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1:[外观设计] 加工中心
申请号:201730072394.6 公开号:CN304228560S 主分类号:15-09(11)
申请人:杉野机械股份有限公司 申请日:2017.03.14 公开日:2017.08.01
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申请号:201930540188.2 公开号:CN305640735S 主分类号:12-16(12)
申请人:【中文】五十铃自动车株式会社【EN】ISUZU MOTORS Ltd. 申请日:2019.09.30 公开日:2020.03.13
摘要:【中文】1.本外观设计产品的名称:车辆仪表板。 2.本外观设计产品的用途:本外观设计的产品用作车辆仪表板。 3.本外观设计产品的设计要点:在于如图所示的车辆仪表板的所有形状和结构。 4.最能表明设计要点的图片或照片:立体图1。 5.附图中产品表面上的阴影用于显示产品表面的三维形状。 【EN】1. the title of this design prod: Vehicular instrument panel. 2. the purposes of this design prod: the product of this appearance design is as Vehicular instrument panel. 3. the designing points of this design prod: all shapes and the structure that are Vehicular instrument panel as shown in the figure. 4. picture or the photo of designing points can be shown: stereogram 1. 5. in accompanying drawing the shade on product surface for showing the 3D shape of product surface.
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